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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Sometimes....some people...

You know....sometimes....some people just act crazy for some reason . But then, there are some people that act crazy ALL THE TIME for no sensible reason. It's very hard to understand why things have to be so difficult. Reminds me of this beautiful line i read somewhere;

"Life, as such, is simple. It's the people that make it complicated".

There's a limit to everything. Especially a man's patience.

Nothing in August.....Nothing in September....Everything got over by the end of July. If only i had the patience and motivation to say that to whomever it concerns. Fortunately, I don't. point trying to even think about it. Enough is enough. No need to prove anything to anyone.

Never had to.

You know...there's one thing i've always loved about myself. I never take things to heart. Because there are very few things in this world that are so important to me to lose my peace of mind over. This is certainly not one of them. Not even close. I thought it was. Well...apparently not. Anyways...that's one reason why i never had any troubles moving on....

And move on, this time i will, just as always.

It's amazing how certain things happen just at the right time.

My dad used to tell me "Every grain of rice you eat has your name written on it".

That's what destiny and fate is all about, my dear friend.

If it has to happen, it will.

And it will, for a good reason.

Anyways...i will now officially have more time on my hands. And this space will have more thoughts and ideas and i can imagine a few code snippets sneaking in here as well.

Gotta upload a lotta pics and videos of Mia...

She's like a little pony now.

Let's see.

Moving on....


At Wednesday, September 14, 2005 12:55:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Girish,
Whats this whining all about? I've been following your blog posts for a couple of weeks now and thought you were a guy with a positive outlook.
Anyways, did you lose your job or something more important than that? Do give me a call if you find time. I don't have your number with me : (


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